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4 Abundant life ~ Growth Occurs in the Valley

4 Abundant life Blog #9

Growth Occurs in the Valley

Nobody wants to be in the valley of the shadow of death (i.e., hardship). If you have ever been in a jungle valley; it is hot, it is humid, and it is scary. It is easy to get lost and it is difficult to move forward. However, there is value in the life analogy of a jungle valley because this is where growth occurs.

Nothing grows on the mountain tops of life when things are easy and you can see for miles around. That is precisely why we cannot stay on these mountain tops forever. Simply put, God loves us too much to allow us to stay where we are. We are put on this earth for a purpose (to use our talents and gifts for the glory of Him). If we do not know our purpose or misuse our talents and gifts we will most certainly end up in a valley of life.

We have all been there (in the valley) if we have lived any number of years on this earth. Some of the valleys we have been in include divorce, parent alienation, job loss, financial hardships, unexpected friend/family deaths, health problems, and others. While it is natural to look at these valleys as painful and non-beneficial, these are the times in our lives where spiritual growth has been the greatest. This spiritual growth was necessary to advance to the next level of abundance our Father had planned for us. The same is true for you too!

We have previously discussed self-talk and the importance of our words. This is another opportunity to put this into practice. If we substitute the negative words associated with valley experiences (e.g., painful, difficult, frustrating, exhausting, etc.) with positive words (e.g., opportunities for growth, advancement, abundant success, etc.), we will have the hope needed to propel us to action. Action is needed to get out of a valley.

What have we done to get out of a valley? Did it work? What will we do differently next time? What will we learn from this experience? How will we use the time in the valley to grow? These are all questions that can be answered, based on hope, that move us into action and move us forward out of the valley and toward the mountain top of abundance!

However, if we are unable to answer the reflective valley questions, we will remain stuck in the mud so to speak. We see this so often from individuals and couples we counsel. They cannot see beyond the pain of the current reality. They cannot answer any reflective questions other than, “I don’t know”. We too have been here, but we hold each other accountable and place a time limit on being stuck. For example, if a valley experience occurs suddenly, allow time to vent and be angry, disappointed, frustrated. However, place a limit on this time (e.g., a day, a week, a month). Then make a commitment to answer the reflective questions above and take action steps forward. That action is grounded in hope. Do not dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope. To be without hope is to be without purpose.

Remember, our heavenly Father the King of the universe wants the best for his sons/daughters (princes/princesses). He has a unique purpose based on the talents and gifts bestowed on each one of us. There is hope in knowing He has angel armies advocating and fighting for us every day. There is hope in the promise that Jesus came to give us life abundantly (John 10:10).


Valleys happen. However, to get out of the valley, remember:

  • Know that valleys are “opportunities” for growth and change.

  • Limit the amount of time you stay stuck.

  • Don’t give up on your dreams (hope for an abundant future).

  • Make a commitment to learn something in the valley, apply it, and move forward!

We talk more about growing in valleys throughout our book 4 Abundant Life. Once again, we look forward to hearing about your experiences of growing in the valleys of life and emerging abundantly! Drs. Eric and Joanna Oestmann

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